How to Get Rid of  Hyperpigmentation?

How to Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation?

Is your melanin level too high? Or does your skin look darker than your original shade? 
This is probably due to hyperpigmentation. They are characterized by darker or uneven skin patches that result from an excess of melanin, AKA the natural pigment of your skin. Read on to learn more about hyperpigmentation.

Understanding Melanin (and Its Mischief)

Melanin is a component of skin pigment which protects your cells from sun damage and fights reactive oxygen species. The body responds to an increase in sunlight with more cells (called melanocytes) over-producing melanin. In layman's terms, the more melanin you make, the darker and paler your skin becomes.

Top Causes of Hyperpigmentation

  • Sun damage: This is the most common cause. The moment you expose yourself towards the sun, melanin is all to set double itself, resulting in dark spots, sun spots, and uneven pigmentation.
  • Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes due to pregnancy or other reasons can cause melasma, a kind of hyperpigmentation that frequently develops on the face in symmetrical areas.
  • PIH: Acne scars, wounds, and burns can all result in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), particularly in darker skin tones.
  • Certain medications: Even this might cause an increase in melanin production as a side effect.

Different Types of Hyperpigmentation (Knowing Your Foe)

Hyperpigmentation is just an umbrella term. Thus it comes in various forms, each with its one-of-a-kind characteristics:

  • Melasma: Also known as chloasma, They take the form of brown or tan patches on the face, which can be seen on the cheeks, the forehead, and the upper lip.
  • Sunspots: These are irregular discoloured lesions that are usually seen on chronically sun-exposed areas such as back skin, shoulder, arms, and legs. They usually show up in places due to the scorching heat of the sun, such as the face, the hand, and the shoulder, for example.
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): This occurs after the skin gets damaged, leaving behind the black patch that once covered the injury. Darker-skinned people experience this frequently.
  • Freckles: This is a kind of variation where individual spots look like freckles and are reddish-brown. 

How to Treat Hyperpigmentation?

The good news? Hyperpigmentation can be treated. Here's a breakdown of various approaches:

  • Sun Protection is Key: This is the no.1 rule to rule out progress under additional hyperpigmentation. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 or above. Pro tip: look for non-comedogenic sunscreens because the last thing you want is pores getting blocked and sun tanning, which results in hyperpigmentation. 

  • Collagen Supplements: Collagen supplements help in reducing hyperpigmentation as it provides structure and strength to the skin. It also helps in repairing the damaged skin cells. Moreover, it protects the skin from oxidative free radicals present in the environment, thereby helping in reduction of melanin in the skin.

  • Topical Treatments: In-lotions belonging to the over-the-counter (OTC) group that have hydroquinone, kojic acid, azelaic acid and liquorice extract can help even out the skin tone by getting rid of the dark spots. On the other hand, someone may not like them for some reason, hence a patch test is cited as necessary. For the best results, consider a trip to a dermatologist, who can recommend non-prescription topical preparations containing stronger concentrations of active substances.


  • Chemical peels: These techniques have acids like glycolic and lactic acid to peel the top level, revealing the skin that is beneath, which is brighter and more even-toned. Peels of different intensities are used forcing on moderate and strong specimens. As quickly and efficiently as a dermatologist may be in its ability to prescribe the best peel for your skin condition.


  • Laser treatments: In contrast to other methods which mainly rely on melanin stimulation, laser treatments directly irradiate the substance, splitting it down into pieces and eliminating dark marks. 


  • Microdermabrasion:  It is a non-invasive skin treatment technique, under which a handheld tool with a diamond tip or a crystal spray gently exfoliates dead skin cells and smooths the outer layer of skin. Moreover, it also corrects uneven skin tones and decreases hyperpigmentation. Studies proved that microdermabrasion action is described as mild to moderate by removing the pigmented skin and enhancing collagen synthesis.


Natural Remedies to Follow

Did you know? Plant-based and natural remedies have long been used to treat skin concerns, and they are becoming increasingly popular as a safer way to treat skin hyperpigmentation. While not a substitute for proper treatments like laser, some natural ingredients may offer mild lightening benefits:

Lemon juice: Lemon juice – the natural source of citric acid or Vitamin C – has been used for centuries to lighten and remove dark spots on the skin. With this, it can also be irritating; therefore always do a patch test before applying it to the skin.

Liquorice root extract: Licorice extract boasts a range of anti-inflammatory and skin-lightening properties. Check it out in serums and face masks. 

Green tea: Green tea extract with antioxidant properties may have a great role in hyperpigmentation prevention. You have the option to utilize it in brewed green tea for topical use or you can look out for those products.

Moreover, foods that contain vitamins A, B, C, and E can all help with skin pigmentation and are an add-on for your overall skin care.

What is Our Final Take?

These days, hyperpigmentation is common and relevant, particularly if you're in a hot climate. 

And it's treatable. 

Lightening hyperpigmentation can be hard and usually needs a combination of treatments for maximum results. With a consistent skincare routine, you can bid goodbye to them. Be patient with your skin and stick to your treatment strategy. 

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